Are they twins….? How many times have you been asked that? I certainly wasn’t prepared for the amount of attention I was going to get for having twins. From the minute you step out of the car and start setting up the double pushchair you start to get people coming over to you. And it can be wherever you are; the town, the beach, the woods… After my first trip out into town, and having been stopped half a dozen times, well probably more than that, I knew that if I was going to achieve all I needed to whilst out, I needed to add another 20 minutes onto my trip! The days of ‘popping’ to the shops had long gone.
Most people were, and still are genuinely interested in the girls. Lets face it, twins are awesome and people find twins and multiples fascinating too, but always ask the same question… ‘Are they twins?’. After saying ‘yes’ a million times, I really started to wish I had the guts to give some of these silly answers…
- No they’re triplets, I leave the ugly one at home.
- Nope I just borrowed one for the day because they match.
- No one is mine and ones my partners love child who I’m looking after for the day.
- I want to mimic their shock sometimes and be like “You can see two of them too?!”
- What really, there was only one when I left home….
- No I found one in the car park and thought of keep him/her…
- They are sisters born ten mins apart.
- No they were just born the same day.
- No they are triplets but we leave the naughty one in the car.
- No, I’m a Childminder!
- No I just hire that one, no wait, that one!!! Oh dam, I forgot which one is mine!
Have you made any fun or daring comments back when you have been asked the same question?!