Being married and having three gorgeous girls is the best thing I could have ever wished for; I love all four of them to pieces. But, that doesn’t stop me craving some ‘me time’ once in a while and wanting to go on a short break holiday without them!
** We were invited on a mini break in exchange for writing this article.
Despite being a deputy head before having the twins, and looking after hundreds of other people’s kids, I still say that parenting is still the hardest job in the world. No one prepares you for being a mum, having a baby, dealing with the two year old tantrums, or arguing with your 5 year old. It really is exhausting.
Every so often, I get to a point where I just need some time out, whether it’s just for a day or a short break holiday, I need me time. After the struggle through Covid lockdown, I was really struggling, so I called on one of my best blogging friends, Helen from Twins, Tantrums and Cold Coffee as I knew she would be feeling the same to see if she fancied a few child free days away.
If you are where I was and are trying to decide whether you should leave your children for a few days, here’s a few reasons why you should…
Table of Contents
You Deserve Some ‘Me Time’
First of all, don’t feel guilty feeling, you deserve it. There’s no escaping parenting unless you take a short break. You spend more hours taking care of parenting tasks and decisions than anything else in your life. Those hours don’t even account for the emotional labour of parenting– Us mums work so hard and we need to spend some adult time with friends having adult conversations. It is self care at its best – take some time for yourself.
You Will Be Appreciated
My husband really is great and I am lucky that he is more than happy to look after the girls for the weekend. Yes, I leave a list of timings, put all of the girls clothes out, and organise meals for them to eat, but he gets on and does it. He does admit that there is much more to this parenting malarky than he realised! So it’s always lovely to be told when you come back how much you are appreciated.
Relax to the Max
Don’t make a plan or feel that you have to go out and about, just chill. There are fewer expectations when you go on short bresak with your friend and they are usually just as exhausted as you!

When I was away with Red Letter Days this weekend, we literally did nothing. We booked a massage but that was it. The rest of the time we could be found in one of three places; by the pool with a book, drinking coffee in the lounge, or sleeping. 72 hours of this was bliss.
You Get to Have that Massage You Have Been Waiting All Year For
When I booked our short break through Red Letter Days, I made sure that the hotel we chose offered treatments. To me, there is nothing better than lying on a bed for an hour having a massage and someone else working at those knots in your shoulders.
To Feel Like an Adult Again
When was the last time you drank a hot cup of coffee, or had afternoon tea with a friend, because I honestly can’t remember and it’s one of my favourite things to do. If you are having a short break without the kids, this is something you need to book!

So You Can Catch up on Sleep
One of the biggest killers with having kids is the lack of sleep. Before you have children everyone tells you to enjoy your lie ins but nothing prepares you for getting up several times every night for years. Not just days, weeks or months but years. So when you are away with friends enjoy your lie in. Agree a time that you will stay in bed until so you don’t feel awkward in the morning – We didn’t wake up until 10am!!
You Will Be a Better Parent
Honestly, having spent the weekend with Red Letter Days in a Spa Hotel, I feel like a new woman. It really was the break I needed. When you take care of yourself, you can take care of others better. When you take time for yourself, you can feel more present when you come home. You are setting a good example for your children when you show them that it is important to take care of you.
Take a Short Break Holiday with Red Letter Days
A break can give you that much-deserved respite from the strains of motherhood and everyday life; a rest will restore your well-being both mentally and physically. And this will only benefit everyone else on your return!
Red Letter Days offer a huge selection of treats for tired mummies all around the country from spa days and afternoon teas, to 5 course dinners, spa weekends and short breaks in country hotels. You can mix and match and build up a complete package. There will definitely be something for you.
To book your own child free mini break with a friend, just pop onto the Red Letter Day website and search all the amazing hotels and spas they have to offer. They are all over the UK and I can guarantee there is something for everyone’s taste and budget.
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